Nutmeg Butter


Scientific Name: Myristic fragrans

Fatty Acid Content

Lauric 1.50%
Myristic 76.60%
Palmitic 10.10%
Stearic 0.00%
Oleic 0.00%
Linoleic 0.00%
Linolenic 0.00%
Ricinoleic 0.00%

Fatty Acid Type

Saturated 88.2%
Mono-Unsaturated 0%
Poly-Unsaturated 0%
Saturated:Unsaturated Ratio 0:1

SAP & INS Values

NaOH SAP 0.117
KOH SAP 0.165
INS 116.000

Oil Qualities

Hardness 90.00
Cleansing 86.00
Condition 5.00
Bubbly 86.00
Creamy 4.00
Iodine 46.00
Long Life 10.10

Recipes Using Nutmeg Butter

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