Rose soap

A solid soap by glenda

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Recipe Instructions

Add soap dough roses as embed

Use rose petals infused olive oil

Divide batter in half. Use red and brown (cocoa powder) colors for each half. fragrance each half differently.

use BB dark chocolate and rose fragrance oil. whatever is left from both, should be about 2 oz (1 OZ PER HALF for 25 oz of soap). Be ready to work fast, soap at room temperature.

Add salt to lye water 1 teaspoon per pound of oils.

From Cheryl:

When you have a problem fragrance (you know up front it's going to be a problem) - use just a cup or so of your warm batch oils and add that to the fragrance and let it sit. Reserve another cup or so, depending on your batch size and set it aside as well. Stick blend your lye and oils as you would normally and then hand stir in your fragrance and it's accompanying oil (still keep that extra cup or so aside). Only stick blend if absolutely necessary. Separate out into your colors and now you can use that extra cup of oils that you kept aside to loosen up any batter that may need it. If your superfat is on the low side you could also add a bit extra of some olive oil to loosen it up or even some water - but hand stir only. You can't plan on any intricate swirls or designs but most basic things you should be able to do. I have a batch myself I did yesterday with some Lilac and she's leaking a bit of fragrance oil on me and is looking a bit funky - good thing I love lilac!

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Soap Properties

Highlighted gray ranges represent recommended ranges for each property.


INS: 155.8 (ideal)

ideal 15%

iodine: 53.2 (ideal)

ideal 15%

Calculated Values for Oils and Preferences

Superfat % 5%
Saturated 16.88 Ounce(s)
Mono-Unsaturated 12.60 Ounce(s)
Poly-Unsaturated 3.31 Ounce(s)
Saturated:Unsaturated Ratio 48.53:51.47
Lye concentration 100%
Weight Unit Ounce(s)
Soap type solid

Fatty Acid Profile

Oleic 36.28%
Linoleic 8.89%
Linolenic 0.65%
Ricinoleic 0%
Lauric 12%
Myristic 6.15%
Palmitic 18.44%
Stearic 12.01%

Recommended Additive Amounts

Swipe on table to see all values

For Advanced Soapmakers